Buy $APEX from scratch through some DEX.

If you are a newbie on the Solana ecosystem, here we show you how to buy your first APEX from scratch, STEP BY STEP πŸš€. We will start by creating a wallet, funding it, getting usdc, and finally we'll show you how to get apex through available DEXs. Click on the link below and explore our presentation:


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COMO COMPRAR APEX❓ Hope you enjoy our tutorial as much as we enjoy doing it.

Now that you know how to buy your APEX, your life is complete. πŸ•ΊπŸ»

We leave you here some links for easy access πŸ™ŒπŸ» Sollet Wallet Phantom wallet (recomended) Binance

Also you can check where to trade APEX con "AVAILABLE DEXs".

Last updated