In this section, we will answer the most frequent questions from our community. If your question is not resolved on this site, please contact the apexit team to add it here 🙌🏻.

Which wallets are compatible with ApeXit ?

Currently ApeXit supports Phantom and Sollet. Coin98 and Solflare will be incorporated soon.

What assets can be traded on ApeXit tool and swap ?

All those tokens who are USDC paired and are also listed on Serum DEX.

How to ApeXit properly ?

Follow this steps!

1) Log in your wallet account. 2) Select which tokens you want to sell, and their corresponding amounts. 3) Click on “Calculate USDC to receive”, and a window will be displayed with the phrase "you will receive at least $xxx". 4) Click on "ApeXit now". 5) Approve transactions (Check for pop-ups). 6) Finished! You have successfully ApeXited! Now it's time to settle your assets. 7) Click on "$ Settle all". 8) Again, approve transactions (Check for pop-ups)

And we are done! Your assets have been sell, and your USDC settled, and transferred to your wallet.

What's the Reverse ApeXit function ?

The reverse ApeXit will be the "buy a set of assets in one tap" operation. Right now the ApeXit function gets you out of positions in your portfolio to USDC. The reverse ApeXit will do the exact opposite. The core idea is making asset allocation fast and easy on Solana. You want to buy a bunch of different tokens in one tap? This feature will give you the ability to do so and save some time in the process. To unlock this feature the user must hold at least 50 APEX tokens.

What's the "settle assets" button function ?

This feature settle all operations that have been made on any DEX's. It's a powerful tool for all those who have done multiple operations, since it allows them to send all the assets to their wallet with a single click, avoiding having to be done asset by asset.

What's the "Cancel all" function ?

This feature allows you to cancel all your pending orders on different Solana DeX´s with also just one click.

What's the Historical trading activity ?

One of the most appealing features on the ApeXit platform will be the historical. This in-app tool will allow the user to view in a user-friendly way every block-chain transaction that has ever been made with that account. To unlock this feature the user must hold at least 200 APEX tokens.

Why would I get into Fabric Osmosis pool ?

The Raydium Permissionless Liquidity Pool gives a 0.2% reward to Liquidity Providers for every transaction Made on APEX/USDC pair. The issue here Is the impermanent loss you get when $APEX price fluctuates.

Osmosis LP gives you the possibility to counter this IL (or even surpass it, depending on the APY %) by earning a fee + rewards in $APEX using the LP Tokens you get by providing liquidity to the APEX/USDC pool on Raydium. This allows you to get steadier $APEX rewards while you hodl our token.

Last updated

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